Dragoon Gecko is a cooperation of two students of veterinary medicine: Rebecca Hassler and Martina Konecny.
We are private breeders with more than 8 years of experience of breeding and caring for leopard geckos. Because of our hobby and our studies we have dealt with the topics of breeding and genetics for over ten years. As a consequence, we consider continuing professional education in the field as very important.
Building and maintaining a rich gene pool is one of the cornerstones of our work: We place high value in careful selection, setting our focus on the vitality, fertility and health of our animal. Thus, appropriate medical care is paramount as well: Our whole population is regularly monitored by vet specialized in reptiles.
Apart from rare colours and markings, such as Electric, Mack Snow Ghost Jungle, Diamondback, etc., we of course also have the more familiar and popular morphs such as APTOR/RAPTOR, Lavender, Tangerine, Jungle, Stripe, etc. in stock!
An additional important point for is regular communication and exchange with colleagues as well as an extensive and honest consultation service for our customers: A gecko is a living being and one ought to think over buying one well beforehand.
We will be glad to offer you our services from day 1 and will be there for your even long after you have bought a Dragoon Gecko from us!
We wish you a pleasant stay on our website!
The Dragoon Gecko Team